Baking and confectionery

If you're in the bakery and confectionery business, you've certainly noticed changes in customer habits due to growing awareness. More and more often you encounter questions about chemical composition, calories, nutritional properties? This is natural - the "fit" trend, created in the media, is combined with customers' increasing concern for health and making prudent purchasing decisions. It is very good practice to use modern, healthy bakery raw materials.

Do you want to reduce the caloric content of your products and improve their composition? You can achieve this by, among other things:

  • increasing protein content,

  • reducing fat,

  • reducing sugar content or using substitutes.

Are you just entering the market and don't know what to look for when choosing bakery raw materials and manufacturers? We are well aware of the bakery and confectionery industry and the challenges you need to overcome to gain the trust of your customers..

What will you gain from working with Ilkow Trade?

  • You will learn the specifics of different types of bakery raw materials and more.

  • You will select the raw material appropriate to your customers' preferences.

  • You will receive free samples for testing to see if this is what you were looking for.

  • You will gain valuable tips and guidelines, backed by practical examples and Ilkow Trade's years of experience.

Our products
Our products

What is the importance of bakery raw materials?

Wanting to produce high-quality confectionery or bakery products, we should definitely not only employ experienced people, but above all invest in good quality equipment and facilities. Of course, the bakery raw materials that form the basis for the production of products are not insignificant. More and more customers are paying attention to what semi-finished products the food is composed of.

Very many people make their purchasing decision based on the analysis of the composition, so the better, healthier and safer the raw bakery products, the better by far. Raw bakery materials allow us to prepare products that will have the right composition, nutritional value, taste, aroma and appearance. We will also be able to distinguish ourselves significantly from the competition.

Our offer is very wide, bakeries, confectioneries, manufacturers of supplements, as well as, for example. manufacturer of energy drinks.

Are you interested in our offer?

Ask for a free quote!



Want to talk about trends and news, dedicated to your industry? Are you looking for trusted manufacturers of raw materials? Do you care about combining the best price with high quality?

We have a wide network of contacts among manufacturers and trading companies - we will negotiate attractive terms of purchase for you. We will advise, explain and indicate the best options.

We look forward to your contact:

Free valuation

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